воскресенье, 7 сентября 2014 г.

I haven't shown these interesting postcards from Natasha yet. They were drawn by Marina Fandeeva and sent to me with kind words :) Sometimes I have the beads and the feathers in my hair, too)
Thank you, Natasha!

суббота, 6 сентября 2014 г.

This is another one African miracle, kindly sent to me by Esme from Namibia.
Esme has told me, that people usually don't hitch-hike there, but if you need, they can take you to this and you'll go with them) I hope, one day I will! =)
Thank you, Esme.

Beautiful postcard from Tolga from Turkey. Thank you!

Guess, what the great surprise was waiting for me at the post office today! Ethiopian postcard from Kate! With many stamps) It's my second card from this country, and I was so happy to receive it, because I dream to visit Ethiopia soon.
By the way, here you can see Kate's website.